The Perry Hill II Conservation Easement is a restoration project being managed by Wildlands Engineering, Inc. within the Neuse River Basin. This site is part of a mitigation banking effort, aimed at improving riparian buffer zones and nutrient offset mitigation to enhance water quality in the Falls Lake Watershed. Historically, the land was used as active livestock pasture, which led to erosion, sediment buildup, and nutrient runoff into nearby streams.
The project focuses on restoring riparian buffers along Perry Branch and several tributaries, creating a 200-foot-wide protected corridor that helps filter pollutants, stabilize streambanks, and improve habitat for wildlife. One of the major components of the project is livestock exclusion, which prevents further damage to the streams and allows native vegetation to recover. The site will also be planted with native hardwood species, ensuring long-term ecological benefits.
By securing perpetual protection under a conservation easement, the Perry Hill II site will play a crucial role in reducing nutrient loads, enhancing aquatic ecosystems, and supporting regional water quality improvement goals. This project is a great example of how conservation and mitigation banking can work together to restore and protect critical natural resources.
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