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‎ ‎ |‎ ‎ Christine Pickens, August 2024

Why Do Wetlands Smell Bad?

The wetland superpower behind the stink and why you’ll be saying, “Oh no, my feet smell cheesy!” Experiencing nature can become enlightening when we use our five senses. In the case of wetlands, using your sense of smell can also help you u...

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The State of Wetlands in the US

Historically, wetlands were misunderstood and undervalued, often dismissed as mere wastelands. This misconception led to widespread practices of filling them in or using them as dumping sites. However, our contemporary understanding has evo...

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‎ ‎ |‎ ‎ Christine Pickens, March 2024

Exploring the Diverse Ecosystem & Wildlife of the Deep River

Rivers are not just conduits of life-sustaining water; they are also bustling ecosystems teeming with diverse wildlife. From the majestic bald eagle to the sleek river otter, free-flowing rivers provide habitats for an abundance of species....

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‎ ‎ |‎ ‎ Christine Pickens, February 2024

Rivers Through the Seasons: A Majestic Journey of Flowing Water

Rivers are part of the fundamental support system for our environment and an essential part of the framework for economies and societies worldwide. Their importance cannot be overstated, yet their significance is often overlooked. In this b...

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‎ ‎ |‎ ‎ Christine Pickens, February 2024

How Healthy Rivers Impact Us & Our Local Communities

Rivers are the lifeblood of our communities, providing invaluable benefits that extend far beyond their flowing waters. In the United States, a network of rivers crisscrosses the landscape, offering many advantages to both people, the econo...

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