Point Farm
Saving over 1,000 acres of undeveloped waterfront property for future generations in Charleston SC

In 2017 a group of conservation-minded community investors acquired 1,312 acres of open, undeveloped land at the Southwestern point of Wadmalaw Island, South Carolina. The property was named Point Farm after its location on the island and rich farming history.
Point Farm consists of farmland, freshwater wetlands, and tidal salt marsh. It had been owned by the same family since 1699 when it was granted to them by Lord Proprietors of England. Point Farm is one of the largest undeveloped deep tidal waterfront properties in the Charleston SC metropolitan region and only 20 miles from downtown Charleston.
Point Farm includes 1,312 acres of natural pine and hardwood forest, agricultural fields, and both fresh and tidal wetlands. The property has been used actively for farming vegetables, most notably the famous Wadmalaw Island tomato, and grazing cattle for more than 200 years.
Total Acres Conserved
Acres of Tidal Salt Marsh Protected
Acres of Salt Marsh Restored

The project protects over 1,107 acres of pristine tidal salt marsh. With over 147 acres of buffer preserved on the fringes of the tidal salt marsh lands, over 1,313 acres of land is forever protected by this project.
Unique Places to Save worked with the American Mitigation Company to place a conservation easement over this important mitigation project.
Conserved Land
Undeveloped Land

The American Mitigation Company, as the mitigation partner on this project, removed two large and several smaller berms that blocked tidal flow into areas that were once tidal creeks and were dammed before the Clean Water Act. The resulting tidal flows will re-establish areas back to their natural state.
Excavation of nearly 20 acres of former agricultural fields. Excavation will bring these areas down to their former grade below the mean high-water mark to allow re-establishment of natural tidal flows.
Removal of non-native vegetation and planting 58 acres with native tidal salt marsh species such as spartina grass, salt marsh cordgrass, needlerush, sea ox-eye, red bay, southern bayberry, southern red cedar, live oaks, and laurel oaks.
Saltwater Marshes
Natural Tidal Flows
Native Species

Located at the confluence of the North Edisto River and Leadenwah Creek on Wadmalaw Island, Point Farm is one of the few remaining large tracts of undeveloped waterfront in Charleston County.
The tidal wetlands and salt marsh at Point Farm provide a rich habitat for wildlife including shrimp, crabs, alligators, various fishes, birds, and mammals all created by the regular intervals of nutrient deposits from tidal currents.
The property’s uplands and freshwater wetlands support healthy populations of doves, ducks, turkeys, whitetail deer, and quail.
Healthy Habitats

The landowner of the property has made it available to Clemson and USC for biotic, marine, and climate-related research. Additionally, the landowner has allowed educational programs for students from Charleston County Schools.
School Tours
Academic Research

Project Gallery

The Point Farm Project
The Point Farm Mitigation Project provides direct results for the local community with multiple ecological and community benefits to the Charleston area. The project restores and protects over 1,300 acres of tidal wetlands using restoration methods and science that are cutting-edge and first-of-its-kind in South Carolina.
The project improves water quality, lessen the effects of flooding and sea level rise, and provides environmental improvements that offset the impacts of several critical road construction projects in Charleston County. With population and development within Charleston County expanding rapidly, it is vital for open lands and ecological systems be protected and enhanced in order to maintain livability for future generations.
Project Partner